News as of 17/07/2013
I just saw a poll running with the question: is it okay to criticise former president nelson Mandela, and to my shock 61% of the people - 11668 people said yes, 7% of the people - 1334 people said no and 32% of the people - 6003 people said maybe. In my personal opinion it is never ever ever ever okay to criticise or judge any one person on this earth. We as humans were not placed here to judge and criticise, however some people really think that they can just do and say what ever they want, when and where ever they want. The irony of this whole story is if you have a look at those people judging and criticising they themselves has got some personal issue not with any one other than themselves, and usually the people pointing fingers are the ones who has the most dust swept swept under their carpets, the most skeletons in their closets. In my opinion once again, if you ain't got nothing nice to say then just don't say anything at all. It is always so easy to say mean things, and be cruel. Ever stopped and thought about maybe try being lovable and positive? People are animals - I have decided! An AbaThembu royal council representative paid a visit to the hospital today. Mandela's daughter Makaziwe Mandela, Graça Machel and grand-daughter Ndileka Mandela were at the private facility for their regular visit on Wednesday. The activity outside of the hospital is quite today - I think everyone is preparing something special for Mr. Madiba's birthday. His daughter said while visiting Madiba he was watching TV, and he gave them a very big smile and held up his hand - so his condition is most definitely improving, he is also gaining more energy and strength and to think approximately two weeks ago doctors wanted to put of his life support machines. Thank God his family fought for him. President Jacob Zuma will mark the birthday by overseeing the donation of houses to poor white families in the Pretoria area, in line with his Cabinet's theme to commemorate Mandela's birthday this year by focusing on food security, shelter and literacy. In Cape Town, labour activists are holding an event at St George's Cathedral on Thursday, in remembrance of Mandela's years of service and to encourage people to donate food to charity while leaving messages of support for the former leader's family. I think it is all the prayers an support not only from his family, but from people all over the world that has brought hims this far.
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